Last week I traveled to Sabah to see my Sifu and attend his Intensive Taijiquan Course!
Where is Sabah?
Lying on the northeast section of the island of Borneo, Sabah is one of the 13 states of Malaysia, which together with the state of Sarawak make up what is known as East Malaysia.
我們上課的地方在京那巴魯山(神山)的山腳下.京那巴魯山是東南亞最高的山,也是聯合國教科文組織所名列的世界遺產之一. 在山腳下的京那巴魯國家公園,海拔有1500公尺高.那裡的空氣很新鮮,很涼爽,完全不需要開冷氣呢!
Taijiquan Course
Participant countries included Finland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Brunei, Taiwan, Australia, India, the United Kingdom, the United States, Austria, and Singapore.
Course attendants traveled from all around the world to learn Taijiquan from Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit.

這次課程的重點在以下這些技巧:進入寂靜, 行氣, 太極拳站樁和步法, 發勁, 推手和打手.
Some key skills highlighted in the course included Entering Tao, Chi Flow, Stance Training and Footwork, Exploding Force, Pushing Hands, and Striking Hands.
Many people practice what they call Taijiquan, or "Tai Chi" yet they never develop some of the basic skills which were covered in depth in this course. For example, many Taijiquan practitioners have never heard of Striking Hands, yet it is the next step in basic training after Pushing Hands. Many Taijiquan practitioners, even so-called Masters, do not have the skill of Exploding Force, which in our school is a basic skill. Taijiquan when practiced correctly is a wonderful art enabling practitioners to attain good health, vitality, longevity, combat proficiency, mental clarity and spiritual joy.
On the weekend preceding the Intensive Taijiquan course was the Intensive Chi Kung course, which enables participants to attain good health, vitality and long life. Many have overcome their diseases which Western Medicine considers incurable such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.
What a wonderful set of courses! Thank you Grandmaster Wong. You are a rare teacher bringing back the essence of these arts!